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Kiki Xiang

Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, Shenzhen

Kiki Xiang joined Avenues in 2021, bringing a passion for education and more than 12 years of experience in teaching and research. Previously, Kiki spent several years in Europe, teaching at universities in Poland, Germany and Belgium and participating in the European Union’s volunteer teacher program; and has also worked as a child psychological consultant in Hong Kong. Kiki holds a Ph.D in education management from Beijing Normal University. As the mother of two children, she is thrilled to be joining the admissions team and looks forward to working with families as they embark on their educational journeys with Avenues.

Avenues: The World School with bug

Exceptional faculty united around a common mission. A unique curriculum brought to life by transformative world-focused learning experiences. An educational community driven by a culture of constant innovation. Campuses that are interconnected and interdependent, just like the world.